Pulcher ... (Nobel one) PDF Print E-mail
Written by Joana   

Pulcher ...  (Nobel one)


There came into my possession

One thousand beautiful things

Yet possessed it I did not

For it was not possessible.


An entré from years gone by

Spoke of timeless love

Moistened cheeklets masked my joy

At this most unpossessible loan of timelessness.


A century-stained page

Unfolded eons of innate desires

Truths of perceivable beauty

Veiling me in fairy-dreamed star-twinkels.


Virtue seeped through the print

Nobleness transcended from heart to memory

As my eyes visioned

A love greater than mediocrity.


There exists in my realm

A marked, yet unpossessible

One thousand beautiful things.

There exists, in a golden realm

A being, marked yet unpossessible

My most beautiful gift

Of one thousand beautiful feelings.